Friday, January 25, 2008

super overdue photos!

we look the best doing retarded things together.
we secretly wish that we were ballerinas instead of lifesavers.

so now you think you can multi-task la. save people and be a model. act cute people.

the beginning of a new sport: line water dancing. wahh...i jump until shiok shiok only.

i love your crib with the walls that we painted are 'oh so pretty!'.
fun in the lifeguard room eh. i like to look like i always get bullied.
i tried so hard to suck all the fats in.

monsta behind me.

baby bought me a pretty sunflower! my favourite:) here's to our first few photos taken together minhui.
as you can see, we don"t usually like to look normal.
eneida liks to come in between us..sheesshh...
the best friend of 10 years and counting.

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