Sunday, December 17, 2006

shattered and torn.

you've been clubbing and drinking hell lot baby.
i've got no more say.

so sam's back and i've been out with him.
i caught 'THE HOLIDAY' with sam and kevin koo on thursday night after work.
the show was good, but i kinda fell asleep a little. lol. i couldn't help it, i was freaking tired!

my handphone has officailly given up on me and is giving me a hell lot of trouble now. dang! i've got to send it for repair. then again, my parents wanted me to do so. i so want a PDA cellie!

anyway, i had worked late shift today. bloody hell, it was hot! thanks to the stupid wind, it blew away the rain. shheesshh..and i was at zone 10 can! freaking proper shade at all! then junjie, that uncle (HAHA!), decided that he wanted to torture my already dumb lousy cell phone.


Anonymous said...

wahhhh...must u annouced to the whole world tat u called me uncle!!!!!!!!!!!..........

Anonymous said...

tat's JJ btw....forget to input my name...old le...hehe...but tat does not mean i am UNCLE