Tuesday, December 19, 2006

on rainy days...

it had been a boring monday.
i swear i was seriously bumming around.

i was supposed to do christmas shopping with stanley, but that dumbass suddenly called to say that he had some work to rush and would meet me in the evening instead.
since i was rather moodless plus restless, i decided that i would tag along with kim to her workplace at marina square, anderson's to slack and just 'chill' (if you would call it).

I had went to trim my fringe in the early afternoon with her simply because I decided I had nothing much to do. Oh well...i had wanted to go for a straight cut but then..damn...i totally dont know what happened. anyway, i look the same. bleah!
then we walked around heartland mall simply because it was still early and we had to kill time. we ended up making identical necklaces which cost the same price for each other and deemed it as a christmas. goodness!

at her workplace, i had a piece of strawberry cake and i had specially bought cleo from guardian along the way so i could read it at the cafe ans try to kill time. LOL. all because stanley was late. sigh!

after two freaking hours, stanGAY finally arrived. goodness, he had some waffle ice cream thingie before we decided that we didnt wanna have suppser with kim because that would mean we had to wait till 10pm. so we left and headed to wheelock place because i had to send my fuggly useless cellie to the nokia care centre. shitty.

we then walked in the pouring rain to pacific plaza becuase stanley's watch decided that it was the perfect timing to give up on him. so we had to go to fossil to mend his dumb watch. guess what, it was CLOSED when we got there. ARRWW MAN....

it was a lousy day la. the stupid rain ruined it all. not to mention, dampened my mood. i thought of kenny on the train ride back. all the way. sigh sigh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Stanley is a real asshole! Are you still mad at him?