i started lifesaving when i was 15. it's been 7 years and the love for my sport has never once died out. i grew up to it and in turn, the sport taught me to grow. i cannot and will not imagine my life without lifesaving. it's in me and i will always want it to be a part of it. where i am today, it was through sheer hard work. all the efforts and commitment that i have put in and all the sacrifices that i have made was for the sport. i don't just love and live it because of the competitions. i do it because it's more than just a sport to me. it's a passion and a dedication that i live by, i really want to teach and educate, i want to save lives and try to make a difference. i am always ever ready and eager to learn. i've not just once put lifesaving before everything else. that's how much i truly love my sport. the essence to it all it's not just about winning all the time. i believe it's about practicing good habits and principles. you need an open heart, you need believe in it and be doing the sport for the right reasons. lifesavers don't walk away at the end of the day thinking that they are champions and they don't count the number of medals that they have won. true lifesavers walk away at the end of the day thinking about the process of it all, what had been done and what could be done better. they make friends and they help and share whenever they can. you see the pride in them when they are around their sport, you see their eyes light up and that smile will always be plastered on their faces. you see the pain, the focus and the determination to do well and you see the honest congratulations to fellow lifesavers after events. and it's not just about the competitions. there is so much more to lifesaving then just going up against each other and fighting to be the best. what's a lifesaver when he or she can't perform rescues and help others in need? If they aren't able to impart their skills and be able to want to learn.
everything that i do, it was with the thought of lifesaving in it. i breathe it, i need it because i choose it. i worked for it and i think that i deserved it. there will never be shortcuts to it and i'm sorry but there will always be 'lifesavers' out there that don't deserve my respect.
'but with what we have, i promise you that we're marching on'
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