Thursday, May 03, 2012

how much do i want this? 

so bad that i've spent my life working up to it. it's like a dedication i sworn myself to and an dying passion that i live by. i may not have had a great start compared to others but i started from ground zero. i've built what i have around me today and i think i earned all of it, all through sheer hard work. never slacking off but only wanting more. 

i want to be surrounded by the right people, the kind who will push me to be better and support me on my journey. the kind who believe in me and the kind who will always have that confidence in me. i trust people, i don't need you to spoon feed me but i just want you recognize what i have done and will be doing. it's important to me that people see what i do because one day i want to be an inspiration. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

already is an inspirational person. don't give up and continue to be who you are. :)
