Tuesday, April 24, 2007

you left without a word after you class today.
no smses, no calls.
you simply left.

what's going on.

i keep thinking, maybe you want me for the wrong things.

i still love you babe.

hold me close and whisper into my ears that you still need me.


Anonymous said...

I need you SOOOOOOO MUCH. That's so SWEEEEEEEEEEET. Awwwwwwwwwww.

Anonymous said...

jin ah!

see? i told you you'll blog more when you start school.
but whats with the 4 sad blog entries in a row huh!

sheena said...

hey babee!!

I miss you sooooo much!

If you read my blog you would know that i've got shit going on.

I read your blog too. I see stuff going on. Talk to me yea?

I've been missing since school started... That doesn't mean I forgot you and the girls. I miss you guys so much.

Anonymous said...

i'll be here for you.to turn that frown upside down. just remember me.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever wondered if you might have done something wrong or something that displeased your baby? That's a really sweet blog on him and i can tell as an outsider that you really love him. Cheers to you girl, hope things like this in your life can be resolved. ALL THE BEST

rudolf said...

yo yo, I hope everything turns out fine yeah? And ya, sorry, we all couldn't organize lunch tt day v_v

Amanda said...

"you know how people treat you so nice in front of your face but they are fuggling loser behind your back because they talk bad about you like there's no tomorrow behing your back?

ive always known someone like that.
god, do something!
kim you know, i know, we all secretly do.
i swear a bitch it is.

leave me alone now, wont you.
i havent done anything to you."

thanks uh. this is what i get for really being concerned.

and jin. 3rd parties see the best.

good luck anws. take care.

j i n . z said...

see now, you are oversnsitive. i wasn't even mentioning you. anyway, ask yourself amanda is it really concern or are you hungry for information about me? god knows what you want to do to me but i really hope you are happy about all the things you said.

Amanda said...
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