Saturday, April 21, 2007

what's love?

is it normal to cry a lot for a person? i guess so.
is it normal to go all out for that someone? i think so too.

but what if you feel like the world ic crashing down on you?
and that one person whom you trsut to help you ends up making you sad too?
what do you do?

what if you feel like you can't speak to your friends because you are afraid of what they may say?
all you ever say to them now is how much you are so in love and that you are the luckiest girl alive.
what do you do when you have a million things bottled inside you and you don't know where to start even if a hundred people offer a listening ear?

i want to feel that love and security all over again.
i feel numb now.
i dream and hoep a lot, but it never happens.
i ain't saying that i don't love you no more but just that i think you are confuse.

regrets in my life are things i do not forget.

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