Thursday, September 08, 2005

WEDNESDAY the "13".

bad day.
for starters, i woke up late and had to rush to school for my mock math examination.
man was i panicking, shuffling everything that seemed useful to me into my bag.
my dad wasnt helping either. he was yelling and telling me how much i deserved to be late.
LOL. like what the hell...
anyway, i was too busy panicking to curse or swear.
i got to school on time thanks to the cab my dad booked. you know like JUST NICE.
and guess what, like that wasnt BAD enough, i thought my handphone walked out of my life.
i had initially thought that i had left my celly in the cab.
damn. so there i was, desperately calling my celly hoping that the cabby caught attention of it or somethin'.
and then, a "miracle" happened.
casselyn and leekiang STROLLED in CALMLY and kinda gave me a "LAUGHING" look.
and the next thing i knew, cass took out my celly and like "surprised" me. erm...WOW?
this is actually what really happened. My cell phone had dropped onto the road/pavement (that colourful brick like thing outside the freakily small canteen) and they had "so happened" walked in at "the right time".
thanks guys. thanks to you peeps my cell phone "re-entered" my life and thanks to you guys that it didnt get squash under some big fat wheel. lala~
oohh..and i had the most lessons today. i mean for the hols. yea.
ended school around 3pm and I had to take a cab down with ALEXIUS FERNANDEZ to novena for POA tution that ended at 530pm.
yawns. im so shagged.
stopping here for the moment.
yea yea.

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