Tuesday, January 17, 2017

'Scars on my body so I can take you wherever'

There comes a point in time where words don't solve things. Words will never be enough. Words are merely words...worthless and meaningless.

So no amount of words will express what I want to feel and be heard. No amount of words will be able to show how upset and disappointed I am for trying and trying but to be left unappreciated, bruised and disrespected. 

But they say tough times don't last but tough people do right? I survived it, didn't I? 

I know what I did was all for the best, I can't please the world. In so many ways, I feel like the bigger person all the time. I always think for everyone first before myself. Yes, it's part of my job scope but even if it wasn't, I would do it in a heartbeat anytime for what matters to me.

I am alright to let my guard down, to be real and honest. I've built a team out of trust and respect. There is no need to fear what others think because everyone is human and it is ok to be real. That to me is a definition of being strong. 

I will not give up. 
I am The Constant.

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