People are fascinating.
I think that everyone knows Fear. Everyone is afraid, scared to be unaccepted or to fail. They musk this fear with an imaginary wall. This wall of fake confidence. How many people do you know have confidence that is so real?
I am one of those fearful people. There are so many things to be scared about in this big big world. I am one and I am so small in comparison to this universe. But I try to make it worthwhile with my time here on earth.
I think that people who are bullies, be it verbally or physically, are deep down real cowards. I gonna be honest and think that to a certain extent I am my own hero because I take this nasty comments and save myself from them. I don't do anything much, I simply hurt. And then I pick myself up and go on. I say to myself to shrug it off because life is simply to previous to waste my time on these losers.
Yes you may be my friend and I may know you. Yes you may be smart, capable and great but that doesn't mean that you can be mean. That certainly does not make you think that you are superior and the boss of everyone else. You are a bully. I label you that and it pops up in my mind whenever I see you or hear about you. No wait, I usually cannot be bothered to want to remember you much because when I do, I get annoyed and I don't wanna ruin my day.
Well, to all my bullies out there, here's my message to you. Maybe think before you act towards me. You think you know me but don't assume so. Just because I act all nice and gullible towards people does not mean I am stupid.
I am human, I have feelings. And whatever you do is just gonna make me way stronger.